Wednesday 27 June 2018

Montpelier Station!

This morning I ventured west of the main platform, behind the houses on Station Road and along the railway track towards the residents' car park. I rarely go there as I suspect I might be trespassing and worry someone will call the police - 'strange man with binoculars outside the house' etc. But as it happened nobody batted an eyelid and I was able to look at the vegetation the other side of the fence alongside the track. I was amazed to see about 8 spikes of Ivy Broomrape - fantastic! The single lonely spike I saw a week or so ago was just the tip of the iceberg. I was also pleased to see Perforate St John's-wort in flower here - a plant that is common enough towards Stapleton Road and Lawrence Hill but scarce at Montpelier. Also an Evening-primrose in flower. A Red-tailed Bumblebee was on the St John's-wort but I couldn't get a decent shot. A Blackcap was singing very loudly nearby. A Tree Bumblebee and a Buff-tailed Bumblebee were also seen along Station Road.
Ivy Broomrape

Ivy Broomrape


Perforate St John's-wort 

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